Research suggests that the brain-damaging trans fat may increase the risk of stroke

Slash trans fat from your diet — new research in the Annals of Neurology suggests that people over 50 who consumed about 4 grams or trans fats a day, had a nearly 40 percent increased risk of stroke, compared with those who ate less than 1 gram.  Partially hydrogenated fat packs a double whammy against the heart, lowering “helpful” HDL cholesterol while raising “lousy” LDL cholesterol.

Many health experts and nutritionist believe that trans fat should have no place in peoples diet, and that there is no amount that can be eaten safely. Even if a product claims to be trans-fat-free, you still need to read the ingredients label. Food manufacturers can say their food contains no trans fat as long as there is only half a gram or less per serving. That means, if you eat three servings of a so-called trans-fat-free snack, you could potentially consume nearly 1.5 grams of trans fat in one sitting. Check ingredients for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated,” and if either is present, don’t put the item in your shopping cart.